Thursday, May 10, 2012

Not crazy, but maybe a little pathetic?

So, I went and met with Father Boyer today. 

It actually wasn't so bad. In the past when I have gone to see him he has been pretty hard on me. He has a way of seeing right through me and knowing when I'm hiding something.

But not this time!

He was very proud of me for doing the marathon and he said that he could see that I was doing so much better. 

However, he did have three suggestions to make...

The first being that he really wants me to work on my diet. I am a bigger girl and I drink a lot of Dr Pepper and he is terrified that I am going to develop diabetes. Every time he brings this up I so badly want to say to him that diabetes does not run in my family at all and that if I was going to develop diabetes it probably would have happened years ago! But, of course, I don't say that because I think that he would probably say that that isn't really the point he is trying to make.

Anyway, he suggested that I start taking these protein shakes that he gets from the natural foods store here in Norman. He said that in the last two months he has lost 12lbs and that they curve hunger and are very nutritious. I nodded along with what he was saying, but then at the end he made me promise to come back and talk about protein shakes with him in June, so I guess I'm going to have to buy some and try them. It could be good though, I guess.

At another point in the conversation I told him that I wanted to find a part time job for the summer and he mentioned a restaurant called Coolgreens here in Norman that one of the church members managers or owns or something. He gave me his name and said that I should go and apply there. It has been 8 years since I've worked in food service and even then it was pastries and stuff, not actually making sandwiches. To be honest, that part of food service has always kind of intimidated me. 

And the last thing that he suggested was that he asked me why I struggle so much with coming to church consistently, and I said that I think the main reason is that I'm just being lazy. He said that he understood and that he also knew that it can be hard to always be coming to church alone. Which it is. So, then he suggested that I join the church choir. I told him I would think about it and he said "No, no thinking!" His receptionist is one of the women who runs it so on my way out the door he made me give her my number and promise to be there on Wednesday.

Now, here is the thing...

In my last post I mentioned that I am not so crazy that I would make decisions in my life based on whether or not it would expose me to more single men. But I'm not going to lie, when I was leaving the church all I could think is that maybe, just maybe, this could be divine intervention. Like maybe there will be a single guy in the choir (I've always thought the choir director was kind of cute) or maybe I'll meet a guy at the restaurant. 

Does that make me pathetic?

I mean, I know I'm not applying at the restaurant or joining the choir just to meet a guy. I'm doing it because my priest is forcing me to! Which, I think, is like the best reason of all! Don't you?

But come on, it makes me a little pathetic to be thinking that far ahead right? Ugh, I sooooooo don't want to be that girl!

I will not be that girl! 

I'm being me. I am working on myself. I am doing this for me and my priest and that is it! 

I am not crazy! But okay, maybe a little pathetic. Just a little though, and I am working on that :) 


  1. Meh, I don't think you're pathetic! I think it's quite natural to think that maybe you'll meet someone in a new situation! I think it would be pathetic if you joined the choir and automatically started planning your wedding with one of the other members before you've even talked to him. (So don't do that!) ;)

    Who knows? Maybe you will meet someone there, or at the restaurant. Or maybe you won't. You're doing the restaurant thing not only to free your debt, but also so that you'll be set when you do meet someone. And you're joining the choir because your priest told you to, but also so that you're more comfortable going to church, which will help you build your faith, which will ultimately (I think, and this is kinda crazy coming from me) make you feel like a fuller, happier person, which will lead to loving yourself and letting others love you. Your priest sounds like a smart guy (if a little pushy!). You're doing all this for YOU, and it isn't pathetic that finding a husband is something you want for yourself. You're going about all of this in the most mature way that I have ever seen, and that is something you should be extremely proud of.

  2. I think....... it's totally okay to do something for the opportunity to meet single guys. I mean... don't go to a reptile show if you are afraid of snakes just because you think guys are there... but the only way to meet a guy is to be around guys. You can put yourself out there without being that girl! I promise. I just... I personally have a tendency of overcompensating. Saying "I don't want to be that girl" and using it as an excuse to avoid situations where I can meet men. And that is just as bad as being that girl! Also, I love your priest!!! Also, choir! yay!

  3. I totally agree with Steph and Andrea! You aren't "that girl" but that doesn't mean you're not a girl! Don't feel bad about wanted to meet someone, it's not like your forcing the issue. Besides, if you were really "that girl" you'd get a second job at a prison or aboard a ice fishing ship or something. I'd totally see through that, but joining the choir and getting a second job? That's just good things for you and your growth, plus if it brings men of faith into your life that's just a bonus!

  4. I'm going to agree with everything Andrea, Steph and Kate said. Wanting to meet a guy in a new situation does not make you "that girl" it makes you optimistic that something new might come your way.
