Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Attention Followers: I'm still here...

okay, wow! It has been a really long time since ive been ted abput iton this blog. and so much has been happening      that i dont even know where to atart.

first off, i have not ywt joined match.com. but lete enfisize the word YET in that sentence. people always advertize their dating websites as being so cheap, only 20 a month blah blah blah. but what they dont tell you is that you have to pay for 6 months up front. at the time when i was writing about joining last winter i had didnot have that kind of money just lying around.
in other news this year i havedecided to go back to sschool. at times it really sucks, like qhen im home studying or getting lost on assignments, but for some reason whenever i amon campus and im walking through the halls i do get that warm fuzzy feeling that im just so excited to be here and at those tomes i really lobve it. plus im getting an A in my math class

in other news i have joined weight watchers. i joined in february ansd messed around for a few months but now i amso on program and im really excthat is actually a huge reason as to why im reblofgging. i want to chronicle my weight loss because thia blog is about self discovery and so much about losing weight deals with self discovery. and as much as i am being held accountable by my meetings i want mu friends to hold me accountable to.